Patient Portals
Patient portals give patients safe and secure online access to their personal health information and the ability to manage aspects of their own health care. They also can help patients and clinical teams interact in a more meaningful way to create better patient outcomes.
The provincial service standards and implementation guide together help Ontario health care organizations select and implement digital patient portal solutions or expand existing patient portal programs.
This material was developed as part of the province’s Digital First for Health strategy, in consultation with the Ministry of Health, health care providers, patients and others.
Patient Portal Provincial Service Standards
This document outlines standards that are mandatory, recommended, and those for future consideration. The purpose of the standards is to help Ontario Health regions, Ontario Health Teams, and other health care organizations, facilitate the expansion or selection and implementation of digital patient portal solutions.
View the Patient Portal Provincial Service Standards
Patient Portal Provincial Implementation Guide
This guide is for health care organizations, including Ontario Health Teams, seeking to implement a patient portal. It supports an organization’s education and decision-making before procuring and implementing a patient portal solution.