About Self-Collection
COVID-19 self-collection is a way for people in Ontario to test themselves for COVID-19 at home using a laboratory-based PCR self-collection kit. They then drop off the self-collected specimen at any participating pharmacy drop-off location. Individuals will be able to access their own test results through the COVID-19 Patient Results Viewer.
Benefits for providers and patients
- Relieve pressures of health care capacity
- Eliminate manual data entry at the lab
- Sustainable and scalable
- Patient self-management for COVID-19 PCR tests
- Timely access to testing and results for patients
About Drop-Off Locations
Self-collection drop-off locations can be:
- publicly funded COVID-19 testing centres
- participating pharmacies in the PCR testing program
Roles and responsibilities
Drop-off locations take on the following roles:
- Health Information Custodian
- Ordering clinician for the submission of the patient lab test order into OLIS (Ontario Laboratories Information System)
Drop-off location responsibilities include:
- ensuring eligibility for testing: COVID-19 testing and treatment (Government of Ontario).
- providing quality control of patient specimen
- scanning the test order into the system using a unique location-specific QR code provided by Ontario Health
- safely handling, storing and transporting the specimen to a provincial testing lab for processing
Client Support
Training video and job aids
- OLIS Self-Collection Training Course
- Self-Collection FAQs
- Job Aid - Supervised Pharmacy Drop-Off Location
- How to get COVID results FAQ
- Job Aid - Troubleshooting and Requesting Service Desk Support
- COVID-19 Best Practices for the Collection, Handling, Storage and Transportation of Specimens
Order supplies
PPE Supply Portal (login required)
If your pharmacy would like to enrol to provide publicly funded COVID-19 testing, email OPDPInfoBox@Ontario.ca.
If you are an existing user looking for technical support, please contact the Ontario Health Service Desk at 1-866-250-1554 or OH-DS_servicedesk@ontariohealth.ca.