Ashkenazi Jewish Panel
Test Information | |
Test Name | Ashkenazi Jewish Panel |
Lab (Location) | University Health Network |
Category | Cancer |
Subcategory | Ashkenazi Jewish Panel |
Gene/Platform/Region List | APC (I1307K), BRCA1 (185delAG or 187delAG), BRCA1 (c.5382insC), BRCA2 (617delT), CHEK2 (1283C>T), GREM1 (40 kb dup), MSH2 (A636P), MSH6 (c.3959_3962delCCAG), MSH6 (c.3984_3987dupGTCA) |
Test type | Targeted Variant |
Samples Accepted | Blood, DNA, Saliva |
Indications Diagnosis | Diagnosis, Carrier / Cascade Testing |
Test Methodology | CNV, Sequencing |
Methodology Notes | Targeted Mutations |
Diseases/Conditions | Ashkenazi Jewish Panel |
Notes | saliva samples must be provided in oragene, OG-600 kits; UHN does not provide collection kits but they can be obtained directly from DNA genotek (www.dnagenotek.com) |