Aneuploidy Testing - Prenatal

Test Information
Test Name Aneuploidy Testing - Prenatal
Lab (Location) Trillium Health Partners - Credit Valley Hospital
Category Chromosomal Anomalies, Fertility/Reproductive
Subcategory Aneuploidy Studies- Prenatal
Gene/Platform/Region List AMEL, D13S252, D13S305, D13S628, D13S634, D13S800, D18S386, D18S390, D18S535, D18S819, D18S978, D21S11, D21S1409, D21S1435, D21S1437, D21S1442, D21S1446, DXS1187, DXS6803, Extra Reflex Markers: D13S325, D13S762, D13S797, D18S391,
D18S1002, D18S847, D18S977, D21S1411, DXS6807, DXS6809,
DXS7423, DXS981, DXYS218, DXYS267, DYS448, HPRT, SRY, TAF9L
Test type Other
Samples Accepted DNA, Cultured Cells, Amniocyte
Indications Diagnosis Diagnosis, Prenatal
Test Methodology STR
Diseases/Conditions Trisomy (13, 18, 21) and Sex Determination (X,Y), Rapid Aneuploidy Determination (RAD)
Notes Before requesting this test, please contact the lab for information regarding eligibility and availability of testing for your patient.