Hearing Loss, Non-Syndromic (GJB2 (including GJB6 del) and SLC26A4)

Test Information
Test Name Hearing Loss, Non-Syndromic (GJB2 (including GJB6 del) and SLC26A4)
Lab (Location) Newborn Screening Ontario
Category Audiology
Subcategory Non-Syndromic Hearing Loss
Gene/Platform/Region List GJB2 (deletion included), SLC26A4
Test type Gene Panel
Samples Accepted Blood, DNA, Dried Blood Spot (accepted ONLY for exceptional circumstances)
Indications Diagnosis Diagnosis, Carrier / Cascade Testing
Test Methodology CNV, Sequencing
Methodology Notes
Diseases/Conditions Non-syndromic hearing loss
Notes Accepted for infants who have had PHL genetic screening at birth, are subsequently found to have hearing loss and when reported as an infant risk are found to be a carrier of one variant in GJB2 and/or SLC26A4. Accepted until 6 years of age.