Chapters in the Toolkit
- What is chronic disease?
- Types of chronic disease
- Chronic disease prevention
- Managing chronic disease
- Treating chronic disease
- Mental health
How to Use the Toolkit
The toolkit stands up like a tent card and is designed with one side for the healthcare worker presenting the information and the other side for the patient.
The top right corner of the healthcare worker’s side has an image of what the patient is seeing on the page in front of them. The healthcare worker side also has detailed information to describe the image that the patient is looking at.
On the other side, the patient is looking at a picture or diagram with minimal text to describe a chronic disease or prevention concept.
Learn More or Get Copies
To ask questions about the Chronic Disease Toolkit or to request copies of the toolkit, please email: tobaccowise@ontariohealth.ca.
Indigenous Chronic Disease Toolkit
For information only. Request a printed copy for practical use.
Also available in an accessible text-only version
Also Visit
Cancer and Screening Toolkit (Cancer Care Ontario website)