Physicians who work in an emergency department (ED) in Ontario can get immediate, on-demand coaching and support from a credentialed ED Peer Physician by phone or video call. The support helps speed up diagnosis and treatment for people needing ED care, including those of all:
- Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS) levels (including noncritical scenarios)
- ages
- types of patient-presenting concerns
The ED Peer-to-Peer program started in October 2022 to support physicians in rural and remote emergency departments. In June 2023, the program expanded to all ED physicians across the province.
The program’s network provides site physicians with the opportunity to connect with an ED Peer Physician to get support; for example, assisting with problem solving, confirming approach, or discussing equipment and planning. ED Peer Physicians are highly qualified physicians who are on duty for the full duration of their shift with the ED Peer-to-Peer Program to support with:
- patient care
- general inquiries
- educational materials
- clinical skills
- emerging treatments
- medications
- debrief on patient cases
ED Peer Physicians do not replace an ED physician on duty at a hospital.
The aim of the program is to support and maintain quality patient care closer to home.
Program Values
- Person-centred – Putting the patient first
- Relationship-centred – Built on a framework of trust, peer relationships to support high-quality care
- Culturally safe – Informed, respectful and equitable care
- Compassion, humility and empathy – Working together without judgement
- Clinical excellence – Access to up-to-date, excellent and collaborative care for all Ontarians
Contact Us
For more information about the ED Peer-to-Peer program, please send us an email.
If you are an attending physician in an Ontario ED and would like to access the ED Peer-to-Peer Program, please call 1-800-668-4357(HELP) to directly connect with an ED Peer via CritiCall.
Please do not send us personal health information – including health care number, diagnosis, treatment plans or any other personal information or attachments.