Single Gene test: TPMT

Test Information
Test Name Single Gene test: TPMT
Lab (Location) Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Category Pharmacogenetics
Subcategory Thiopurine S-methyltransferase deficiency (TPMT)
Gene/Platform/Region List TPMT (c.238G>C (p.Ala80Pro)), TPMT (c.460G>A (p.Ala154Thr)), TPMT (c.719A>G (p.Tyr240Cys))
Test type Targeted Variant
Samples Accepted Blood, DNA
Indications Diagnosis Pharmacogenetics
Test Methodology Real Time PCR
Methodology Notes TaqMan assay; Targeted Mutation
Diseases/Conditions Thiopurine S-methyltransferase deficiency
Notes Drug hypersensitivity

Before requesting this test, please contact the lab for information regarding eligibility and availability of testing for your patient